Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tools that complete a fiber optic cleaning kit

Fiber optics has proved to be revolutionary when it comes to communication and high-speed data transfer. These optical cables utilize the technique of transferring information by using light pulses with the help of an optical fiber where light acts as an electromagnetic carrier through which the information can be transferred.Optical fibers are thin and flexible cables that are made out of glass or silica.
Fiber optic cleaning is one of the most important aspects of fiber optical devices. If not taken care of properly, then there can be a lot of data loss and that is where fiber optic cleaning comes into play. Let us have a look as to what are the essential components of a fiber optic cleaning kits:
·         Optical Power Meter: it is an important component of fiber optic testing kit. An optical power meter is a handheld device that is used to measure for measuring the absolute power transferred through the optical cable. It is also an effective tool, which is used to detect if there is any loss in the transmission. There are different types of meters that are available in the market. You can choose the one depending upon the mode of light, its wavelength and the type of connector that is being used.
·         Visual Fault Locator: Fiber optic cleaning kits are incomplete without a visual fault locator. Such a device allows you to locate any fault such as breaks in the cable or any tight bends or even bad connectors that are leading to loss in transmission.
·         Optical Fiber identifier: It is one of the most useful components in optical fiber cleaning kit. The device can detect the optical signals being transferred within an optical cable. Hence, you can get to know about any problem or interruption in the signal without having to splice open the cable.
·         Fiber Jumpers: These are used to connect the devices/ network hardware to the cabling system in case and function in the same manner as patch cords.
·         Other useful tools: Apart from these, other important components that are used in fiber optic cleaning can include different kinds of swaps and wipes. There are certain solvents as well that are used in fiber optic cleaning.

All these components are required if you are looking to form an optical cleaning kit. If you have a tool kit that comprises of all these components, then you can be sure that you can maintain your optical fibers in perfect working shape.

Aefos is a top name in the field of manufacturing fiber optic cleaning devices. Log on to www.aefos.com to have a look at the products they manufacture.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

A know how of Fiber Optic Cleaning Equipment and Methods

Do we really need a second thought on the question that Fiber optic is going to be the future of telecommunication? We guess no. Although the system is working in some developed nation, the experts from the R & D wings firmly believe that some years from now every country will experience a data transfer system which is free from data losses issue, electromagnetic problems and speed obtrusions. However and irrefutably, this fiber optics system is expensive and failure to its proper care always results in unbearable losses and hard to cure data transmission failures. So the need of fiber optic cleaning emerges. In this article we will be discussing the supplies that are required to sanctify fiber optic connectors.
In fiber optic transmission system, information travel through the light beams that travel in straight lines and whenever an obstacle comes in between their transmission path the signal loss their energy. This is the reason, why fiber optic cleaning becomes very important because if they are not cleaned, interruptions in signals are possible. Let us now understand the cleaning procedures:
·         Air spray: these are also known as air duster, which blow the loose particles and helps in maintaining the light beams thus a strong and regular signal transmission. The experts claim this method not at all harsh or insensitive, but when it is about expensive fiber optic setup, one cannot rely on this method.
·         Lint- Free wipes: this is also a method of cleaning fiber optics wastes which uses isopropyl alcohol for wiping off. In this method, a lens paperwhich is folded in 4-6 layers is used and operator is instructor to lay this paper flat on table. After this, the operator is told to hold the connector in vertical position and thus it cleans the end face of connection. Although this is very easy method, but when it is about cleaning big fiber optic set up, this method cannot be recommended.
·         Reel fiber optic connector cleaners: this is also a non-abrasive method of cleaning the trashed particles, but again cannot be awarded as suitable one. This method is very reliable and the theory behind this method is very easy to understand. A piece of weaved polyester cloth of nearly two micrometer is used for cleaning the fiber optical connectors. The only hazard with method is pad underside cleaning cloth which diminishes the quality of cleaning.
·         Automatic ferrule cleaning machine: these machines are considered as best solution for fiber optic cleaning. These machines are especially engineered by the experts, for all sort of optical fiber cleaning. These cleaning machines can see any contamination down to 0.5µm and can offer 350µm horizontal field of view.
Therefore, when it is about fiber optical cleaning, one cannot bank upon techniques of Adam and Eve’s time; the methods have to be latest and updated.  
To know more about these cleaner and their availability please check http://www.aefos.com.