Sunday, November 13, 2011

Let us know about the Reasons that Make Fiber Optic Cleaning Integrally Important

In the words of Wikipedia, a fiber optic can be defined as “flexible, transparent fiber made up of pure glass (silica), not much wider than a human hair. It functions as a “waveguide” or "light pipe,” to transmit signals in the form of light rays between the two ends of the fiber.”

Fiber optics has an increased demand in the fields of applied sciences and engineering of aerospace, telecom, cabling and manufacturing. A cleaner fiber optic system is important for continuous connectivity; unclean system would hinder smooth functioning of the complete arrangement. Therefore, the system must be inspected on regular intervals and if required, fiber optic cleaning must be executed to ensure uninterrupted communication.

Let us find out what are the reasons that make such cleaning procedure important.

• Dirt –Small dust & dirt particles present in the air causes the contamination of the fiber optic. The contamination can also arise by being in contact with bench tops or clothing or by other connective devices such as mating connectors.

• Oil - Over a period of its use and maintenance, oil from fingers of the technicians, cleaning wipes, air and connectors can contaminate the fiber optics.

• Spotting - This happens when an alcohol-based solution is used to clean the fiber optic system or if air-drying system is used for cleaning. In some cases, the solvent absorbs the humidity, that results spotting in the optic fibers.

• Scratches - This kind of damage occurs to fiber optic cables when the two surfaces are in continuous friction or at the time of repairs while connecting certain devices.

• Pitting - This generally happens due to high-powered lasers that cause pitting of the fiber optic structure towards the end. Hot plugging of the different types of connectors used in fiber optic systems is also responsible for the pitting or damages to the fiber optics.

• Poor Quality - In most cases of damages and contamination, the prime reason that amplifies the cause could also be the inferior quality of the products used in the entire fiber optic system, disproportionate dimensions and bad surface finish of the optic fibers are some commonly found quality issues.

• Bad Assembly – This reason is the result of using wrong adhesives, low quality polishing, improper cleaning and imperfect assembling of the fiber optic system.

For the uninterrupted flow of communication signals, fiber optic cleaningand regular maintenance is very essential. The techniques involved in such type of cleaning needs ranges from the critical steps of inspection to cleaning and then re-inspecting that ensures smoother functionality of optical networks for the organization.

There are different types of fiber optic cleaningproducts and services offered by companies promising superior quality and faster cleaning options. Visit for further details on products, user manuals and estimates..

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Why’s & How’s of Fiber Optic Cleaning

Transmitting data, either as electronic messages or as voice signals, is the primary role of every communication network for sending and receiving of information from one place to another. To stay connected uninterruptedly or to communicate globally, flawless data transmission is very essential. To achieve this, fiber optics were created to transmit data in the form of light waves through the process of total internal reflection.

Unclean fiber optics, dust and other particles deposited in the fiber obstruct smooth transmission; as a result, the process delays and losses occur to depreciation in complete data transmission. Therefore, Fiber Optic Cleaning is the ideal solution for discarding the possibilities of data losses while transmitting signals.

During the manufacturing process or the installation, the fiber cables are connected cautiously in order to protect them from dirt and dust particles being deposited. The efficiency of optical fiber cable can be decreased due to the presence of such type of deposits in it and over a continuous period, the connections and fibers are checked and cleaned thoroughly to ensure optimum connection without any losses.

When it comes to cleaning of fiber optics, two ways are executed that are named as dry cleaning process and wet cleaning process. In wet cleaning, solvent such as IPA is used to clean fiber optics. Whereas, in dry cleaning process fibers are cleaned with the help of compressed and pressurized airflow. Apart from this, Fiber Optic Cleaning is also done using a ferrule cleaner, an automated, battery-operated instrument that cleans plugged panel and fastened connector devices very efficiently. These ferrules are cost effective and they complete the cleaning process very fast.

To know different types of Fiber Optic Cleaning instruments and processes, visit website

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Streamline Your Data Transmission using Fiber Optic Testing

Transmitting information in the form of voice or data from one place to another through an optical fiber is the most widespread technology in the field of communication. An optical fiber, as per total internal reflection process, transmits optical signals along its axis. Attenuation of signals in fiber optics, also known as the transmission loss could result in the loss of receiving and sending valuable and important data. Fiber Optic cleaning and Fiber Optic Testing are the two ways to reduce signal losses thereby maximizing its intensity.

Loss of transmission can be due to deposition of dust and dirt particles, thereby leaving the fiber optic unclean. The result of such deposition can adversely affect telecom companies that are in the business of transmitting digital, analog and radio signals meant for utilities and services like telephone, mobile, internet and cable television.

Fiber Optic Testing procedure includes - basic inspection and cleaning, verification tests, certification testing and advance OTDR testing for troubleshooting and finally the analysis of the tested cable. The main benefits of optical fiber are exceptionally lesser loss and no overlaps of signals and this can only be sustained by following proper cleaning and testing procedures or merely regularly inspecting them for any.

Ferrule cleaning system can be used to clean the optical fiber before testing of any signal losses, so that if the transmission failure were because of dust or any other foreign particle then it would be cleared in no time. Cleaner fiber optic cable is very essential in transmitting information continuously and without any interruption for high-speed data communication.

To know more about Fiber Optic Testing, procedures and techniques, visit the website